Thursday, 28 November 2019


You probably already know that there is more to Victoria than we can can see from the surface- the grids of purple glass in the sidewalks in some parts of downtown were once tiny skylights to the basements that extend beyond the storefronts of the business above them. But could there be more underground than just basements? One night at a former job downtown, one of my particularly sneaky coworkers took me down through the basement and showed me a sealed-off doorway that she claimed led to "the underground tunnels" of Victoria. The store owner (who didn't know I knew about the door) claimed that there had once been a thriving underground (pun not intended) community beneath the streets where shady dealings would take place away from the prying eyes of the law or general public.

I'm not sure how much truth there is to that- I haven't made it through all 200 pages of this forum- but the contributions to this forum are absolutely fascinating, and a reminder that Victoria is rich in history and secrets- and that there is more than meets the eye.

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As far as articles about technology go, this one is a bit old, but I think it's very thought-provoking. In a nutshell, it's discussi...